ðĶThe Governance Token (WOL)
BattleCity | Tokenomics | WOL Native Token | WOL
The Governance Token: World of Legends (WOL)
Here is general WOL statistics:
Revenue Sources
The Treasury receives inflows from:
In-game Assets/Items Sales
NFTs Sales via popular NFT Marketplaces
3% fee for each player's PvP.
More estimated inflows shall be added in the future from sponsors, advertisement partners, tournament entry fees, licensing fees, and more as new opportunities present themselves.
This system allows the fresh and/or experienced game studios to move forward and increase the speed of their games' development, which also speeds up the inevitable decentralization of such games, and welcome to join WOL Universe of BattleCity.io.
Revenue Distribution
BattleCity.io's Revenue will be distributed into 02 treasuries: Game Treasury and Community Treasury, in which revenues are allocated as the following:
A% of the revenue is allocated to the Rewards for players who participate in PvE, PvP gameplay modes, and Tournaments & Challenges.
B% of the revenue is allocated for burning tokens to prevent inflation.
C% of the revenue is allocated for game operations (development, infrastructure, management, security audits, etc.).
D% of the revenue is allocated to ensure Business & Company operations.
E% of the revenue is allocated for Marketing and Community Growth.
WOL In-game Usage
Last updated